Trimester 1 Review

During the first Trimester of AP CSP, I worked with Tarun, Shuban, and Hayden to build a website that uses our own bespoke machine learning algorithm to decipher a variety of different ciphers. With my newly found knowledge in HTML, I worked on the frontend of the project, serving as a wonderful learning experience

Trimester 2 Review

In the second trimester, I encountered a small hiccup. That is, most of my old teammates found other teammates to work with. For that reason, I joined Jonathan, Sri, and Soham. We began work on our Binary Project and we are excited to introduce the development of our next big project, VividFusion, a hub where artists can share their creative passions on an image board.

Peer Grading

This is what we graded each other:

Deva: .965 Sri: .97 Soham: .965 Joanthan Liu: .97

College Board Quiz